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Conference titul 


Design, implementation, and analysis of network architectures and algorithms; Economic aspects of the Internet Enterprise; datacenter, and storage area networks; Experimental results from operational networks or network applications; Fault-tolerance, reliability, and troubleshooting; Insights into network and traffic characteristics; Network management and traffic engineering; Network security, vulnerability, and defenses; Network, transport, and application-layer protocols; Networking issues for emerging applications; Operating system and host support for networking; Peer-to-peer, overlay, and content distribution networks; Resource management, quality of service, and signaling; Routing, switching, and addressing; Technical aspects of online social networks; Techniques for network measurement and simulation; Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, and sensor networks.

Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)

Ad Hoc and Sensor Networking, Cognitive Radio Networks, Communication Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications, Communication Theory, Communications & System Security, Communications QoS, Reliability, and Modeling, Next Generation Networking, Optical Networks and Systems, Signal Processing for Communications, Wireless Communications, Wireless Networking, Green Communication Systems and Network, Power Line Communications, Satellite & Space Communications, Data Storage, Access Network, Social Networks.

International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM)

Ad hoc mobile networks, Addressing and location management, Broadband access technologies, Capacity planning, Cellular and broadband wireless nets, Cognitive radio networking, Congestion control, Content-based network service, Cross layer design and optimization, Cyber‐physical systems and networking, Data center and cloud computing, Denial of service, Delay/disruption tolerant networks, Dynamic spectrum management, Future Internet design, Implementation and experimental testbeds, Middleware support for networking, Mobility models and systems, Multicast, broadcast and anycast, Multimedia protocols, Network applications and services, Network architectures, Network coding, Network control, Network management, Network simulation and emulation, Novel network architectures, Optical networks, Peer‐to‐peer networks, Performance evaluation, Power control and management, Pricing and billing, Quality of service, Resource allocation and management, RFID networks and protocols, Routing protocols, Scheduling and buffer management, Security, trust and privacy, Self-organizing networks, Sensor networks and embedded systems, Service overlays, Social computing and networks, Switches and switching, Topology characterization and inference, Traffic measurement and analysis, Traffic engineering and control, Vehicular and underwater networks, Virtual and overlay networks, Web services and performance, Wireless mesh networks and protocols.

Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)

Track 1. PHY and Fundamentals: Interference characterization; Cognitive radio, ultra-wideband; Multihop and cooperative communications; Modulation, coding, diversity; Equalization, synchronization, channel estimation; Space-time coding; MIMO, adaptive antennas; OFDM, CDMA, spread spectrum; Channel modeling and characterization; Interference cancellation and multiuser detection; Iterative techniques; Information-theoretic aspects of wireless communications; Signal processing for wireless communications; Propagation models for high frequency channels.
Track 2. MAC and Cross-Layer Design: Multiple access techniques; Cognitive and cooperative MAC; Collaborative algorithms; MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks; Network information theory; Radio resource management and allocation, scheduling; Cross-layer design, cross-layer security; Software defined radio, RFID; Adaptability and reconfigurability; Wireless MAC protocols: design and analysis; B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN; QoS provisioning in MAC.
Track 3. Mobile and Wireless Networks: Localization for Wireless Networks; Network Estimation and Processing Techniques; Mesh, Relay, Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks;  Mobility, location, and handoff management; Mobile and Wireless IP; Wireless Multicasting, Routing; Robust routing; Multimedia QoS and Traffic Management; Wireless Broadcast, Multicast and Streaming; Congestion and Admission Control; Proxies and Middleware for Wireless Networks; Wireless Network Security and Privacy; Performance of E2E Protocols over Wireless Networks; Interworking Heterogeneous Wireless/Wireline Networks; Capacity, Throughput, Outage, Coverage.
Track 4. Services, Applications, and Business: Emerging wireless/mobile applications; Context and location-aware wireless services & applications; Wireless telemedicine and e-health services; Intelligent transportation systems; Cognitive radio and sensor-based applications; Content distribution in wireless home environment; Wireless emergency and security systems; Service oriented architectures, service portability; SIP based services, multimedia, QoS support, middleware; Innovative user interfaces, P2P services for multimedia; Dynamic services, autonomic services; Regulations, standards, spectrum management; Test-bed and prototype implementation of wireless services; Personalization, service discovery, profiles and profiling.

Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)

Wireless Consumer Communications and Networking: Wireless Home Networks Wireless LANs, WiMax, Cellular Networks UWB and OFDM Multi-Channel, Multi-Hop and Cooperative Communications Cross-Layer Design, Interactions and Optimization Seamless Roaming Techniques and Technologies Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms Modulation, Coding and Diversity Physical and MAC Layers Design Issues Energy Efficiency and optimization Emerging Standards Network QoS.
Smart Spaces and Personal Area Networks: Body and Personal Area Networks IEEE 802.15 and Bluetooth-Based Networks Power Control and Conserving Approaches Pricing Models Service Discovery RFID for CE Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks Vehicle Networks Delay tolerant Networks QoS and Service Reliability Data Management and Query Processing Middleware for Smart Spaces and PANs Context- and Situation-awareness for Smart Spaces and PANs Real systems and measurement results for smart space and PANs.
Multimedia & Entertainment Networking and Services: Multimedia Communication and Streaming Multimedia QoS and Protocols Distributed Network Protocols for Multimedia Image/Video Multimedia Networks Streaming Protocols High-Definition Audio, Image and Video Processing Distributed Coding and Network Coding Entertainment Networks Multimedia Services Multimedia Support over Multi-hop Networks Wireless Multimedia Field Trials and Measurements Networking for Multi-player Gaming.
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Content Distribution: P2P Platforms, Algorithms and Architectures for Consumer Communications Overlay and Application Layer Multicast Peercasting and Overlay Content Distribution Peer-to-Peer SIP Novel Consumer Applications Enabled by P2P Computing Resource and Data Sharing Incentive Mechanisms in P2P Networks Reputation and Trust Mechanisms Overlay Networks Cloud Computing for Consumer-oriented Content Distribution Portability and Mobility of Content in Intermittent.
Consumer Networks Emerging and Innovative Consumer Technologies and Applications: ‘Green’ and Environmentally-conscious Design and
Consumer Technology Humanitarian uses of Consumer Electronics Advances in Display Technology and their Practical Usage HCI and Design Considerations Consumer Device Design and Innovation Design of e-Health and Mobile Health Technologies (Home Automation, etc.) Studies of Consumer Technology for Well-being Consumer Technologies in Emerging Markets and Challenged Economies Consumer Technologies for Social Benefit (e.g.,
Voting, Reporting, Education, etc.) Personalization Techniques Uses of Multimodal input and Data Pervasive and Contextual Computing Systems in Practice Wearable Computing Systems Smart Devices, Ambient & Intelligent Applications Middleware and Embedded Platforms.
Security and Content Protection: Security for Home Networks, PANs & BANS Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Worm and Malware Defences Combating Phishing and Spam Secure Configuration Consumer-friendly Security Models & Tools Portable Devices Disinfection Control of Personal Data Reputation and Trust Mechanisms Authentication, Authority and Auditing for CE Copyright and Privacy Protection Digital Rights Management Streaming and Network Anonymity.

Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)

Track 1. Waveforms and Signal Processing (e.g., PHY and Link Layers): Modulation, Coding and Signal Processing Network Coding Technology and Implementation Radio Systems and New Technologies (e.g., UWB, MIMO, Directional Antennas) Cognitive Radio Techniques for Heterogeneous Networks (e.g., software-defined radio and cognitive radio) Interoperability of Tactical MANET, Cellular and Broadband Wireless Networks PHY and Link Layer Protocols for Wireless, 3G, WiMAX, LTE, Beyond 4G and Directional Networks Radio Resource Management, Allocation and Scheduling Wireless co-existence, Interference avoidance, and mitigation Cognitive Jamming and Anti-Jamming Radio Dynamic Spectrum Management Compressive sensing Underwater communications networks.
Track 2. Network Protocols and Performance (e.g., MAC, Network and Transport Layers): Next Generation Wireless Networks (e.g. MIMO, Directional Networks, Cognitive Networks) MAC, Network and Transport Layer Protocols Cross layer design and optimization Mobile Ad-hoc, Mesh and Wireless Sensor Networks Delay/Disruption Tolerant and Overlay Networks Optical Networks and Systems Network Protocols Performance Modeling & Simulation Multicast, Broadcast and Anycast (including MIMO Multicast) Topology Control and Management Localization, Target Tracking, and Mobility Management.
Track 3. Cyber Security and Network Operations (e.g., network security and management): Robust and Autonomous Tactical NetOps Traffic Engineering, Network Control and Management Traffic Monitoring, Measurement and Analysis Resource Allocation & Management Information Assurance and Security Network security metrics and performance evaluation Distributed Denial-Of-Service (DDOS) attacks and countermeasures Intrusion detection, localization, and avoidance Trust models and Trust management Conventional and Adaptive Jamming and Anti-Jamming Technologies.
Track 4. Middleware Services and Applications (e.g., Middleware and Application Layers): Proxy and Middleware Support for Networking Service-Oriented Architecture for Tactical Environments Content-based Network Service and Network Applications Context and Location-Aware Wireless Services Collaborative and Distributed Networking Applications of Cognitive Networks COTS Technologies Transformative Apps for Battlefield Applications Mobile Service, Web Service Performance and Quality of Service Management Communications Software, Services and Multimedia Applications Social networks and Semantic Web Applications.
Track 5. Communications and Network Systems (e.g., heterogeneous system architecture, modeling, simulation, demonstrations): Network Centric Systems and COTS Technologies for Battlefield Architecture, Modeling, and Simulation Survivability and Reliability, Performance Evaluation and Modeling Assured Communication Systems with LPD/LPI, Jamming and Anti-Jamming Technologies C4ISR and Communication-On-The-Move (COTM) Hybrid Satellite, Terrestrial and Wireless Networks Airborne, Space and Satellite Communications Challenged Networks (e.g., vehicular, underground and underwater) Cyber Physical Systems Test beds, Experiments, Exercises and Demonstrations
Track 6 (Workshop). Department of Defense Programs (e.g., WIN-T, BCTM, JTRS GMR): Selected DARPA programs (e.g., WNaN, MNM) Selected Army programs (e.g., WIN-T, BCTM, JTRS GMR) Selected Air Force programs (e.g., OG, Spectrum Dominance) Selected Navy/Marine programs (e.g., CANES).

Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON)

Vehicular Networks, Underwater Networks, Urban Sensing, and other Emerging Areas Disruption Tolerant Networks Measurements and Experimental Research Security and Trustworthiness Survivability, Network Management and Fault Tolerance Modeling, Algorithms, and Performance Evaluation Hardware and Software Platforms, Middleware MAC, Network, Transport, Application Protocols and Cross-Layer Design Network Coding, MIMO, White Space, Cooperative and Cognitive Communications.

International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS)

Data centers, virtualization and cloud computing Energy saving in networks and end systems; IT technologies to reduce energy consumption in applications Protection, experience, security and privacy System dependability, availability; resilience and robustness to faults and DoS attacks Scheduling, resource management, queue management, admission control; traffic engineering approaches and tools for provisioning and evaluation Quality evaluation metrics and methodologies; application-aware QoS parsing, identification and control Measurement, evaluation, adaptation and verification Network operations, pricing and billing, network and service management Architectures and protocols for IP and WDM networks, overlay and peer-to-peer networks; wireless ad-hoc, mesh, and sensor networks Design for the future Internet Green technology for computing, networking, and communications.

IEEE Communication Theory Workshop

Network and polar codes on graphs; Green communications and the smart grid; Security; Interference; Random matrix theory in communications.

International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
(IEEE HPSR 2011)

High-performance switch and router architectures Reconfigurable switching; Multicast switching and routing Switching in multiprocessor architectures; Switching in data centers Optical packet/burst switching; Impairment-aware optical switching fabrics Fault tolerant switch fabrics; Packet scheduling algorithms Interconnection networks; Power-aware switching and routing Router architectures; Routing protocols Routing in mobile ad-hoc networks; Routing in wireless sensor networks Routing in peer-to-peer networks; Routing in wireless mesh networks Routing in cognitive networks; Cross-layer routing optimization Cooperative routing; Epidemic routing Routing in WDM networks; MPLS and GMPLS switching and routing Protection and fast recovery; High-speed network security QoS, Traffic engineering and control; Network management Pricing, accounting and charging; IP over optical networks High speed packet processors; Network processors Deep packet inspection; Packet classification Address look-up algorithms.
Более детальная информация, касающаяся перечня конференций, проводимых в области телекоммуникаций, выложена тут.


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