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Мої публікації за 2021 рік

346. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Shapovalova A., Hailan A.M., Yevdokymenko M., Persikov M. Design and Research of the Model for Secure Traffic Engineering Fast ReRoute under Traffic Policing Approach. 2021 16th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD System in Microelectronic (CADSM), 22-26 February 2021. Lviv, Ukraine. P. 4/23-4/26.
347. Lemeshko O., Hu Z., Shapovalova A., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M. (2021) Research of the Influence of Compromise Probability in Secure Based Traffic Engineering Model in SDN. In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., Dychka I., He M. (eds) Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education IV. ICCSEEA 2021. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 83. pp 47-55. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80472-5_5.
348. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Shapovalova A., Lemeshko V. Network Security Approach Based on Traffic Engineering Fast ReRoute with support of Traffic Policing. Proceedings of the Selected Papers on Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems (CPITS 2021). Kyiv, Ukraine. CEUR, 2021. Vol. 2923. P. 81-90.
349. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Radivilova T. (2021) Research of the QoE Fast ReRouting Processes with Differentiated R-Factor Maximization for VoIP-Flows Using the Tensor Model of the Corporate Telecommunication Network. In: Vorobiyenko P., Ilchenko M., Strelkovska I. (eds) Current Trends in Communication and Information Technologies. IPF 2020. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 212. pp. 95-110. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76343-5_6.
350. Lemeshko O., Papan J., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Segec P. Research and Development of Delay-Sensitive Routing Tensor Model in IoT Core Networks. Sensors. 2021; 21(11): 3934, P. 1-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s21113934.
351. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Sleiman B. QoS Routing Model over Disjoint Paths with Guaranteed Bandwidth in Software-Defined Networks // Computer and information systems and technologies, Kharkiv, April 2021. P. 93. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30837/csitic52021232902
352. Lemeshko O., Lebedenko T., Holoveshko M. (2021) Development and Research of Active Queue Management Method on Interfaces of Telecommunication Networks Routers. In: Ageyev D., Radivilova T., Kryvinska N. (eds) Data-Centric Business and Applications. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 69. Springer, Cham. P. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71892-3_1.
353. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Shapovalova A., Yevdokymenko M., Akulynichev A., Porokhniak V. Research of Secure Routing with Load Balancing and Compromise Probability Behavior Account. 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies (EUROCON), Lviv, Ukraine, 6-8 July, 2021. IEEE, 2021. P. 1-4.
354. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Shapovalova A., Yevdokymenko M., Lemeshko V., Persikov M. Analysis of Secure Routing Processes Using Traffic Engineering Model. The 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 22-25 September, 2021, Cracow, Poland, P. 1-5.
355. Radivilova T., Kirichenko L., Lemeshko O., Ageyev D., Mulesa O., Ilkov A. Analysis of Anomaly Detection and Identification Methods in 5G Traffic. The 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 22-25 September, 2021, Cracow, Poland, P. 1-5.
356. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Shapovalova A., Yevdokymenko M., Omowumi S.O., Hailan A.M. Secure Routing with Power Link Blocking Model and Load Balancing. 4th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), 21-25 September, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine, P. 1-4.
357. Lemeshko O., Kruhlova A., Zhuravlova A., Yeremenko O. Research and Development of Improved Routing Mechanism with Load Balancing in Communication Network. ACM womENcourage 2021. P. 1-2.
358. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Zhuravlova A., Kruhlova A., Lemeshko V. "Research of Improved Traffic Engineering Fault-Tolerant Routing Mechanism in SD-WAN," 2021 IEEE 3rd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), 2021, pp. 187-190, doi: 10.1109/UKRCON53503.2021.9575272.
359. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Mersni A. Investigation of Enhanced Mathematical Model for Fault-tolerant Routing. Seventh International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET 2021), 27-28 October 2021, Istanbul, Turkey. IEEE, 2021. P. 1-6.
360. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Yevdokymenko M., Kuzminykh I., Mersni A. Development of Virtual Laboratories and Innovative Cybersecurity Courses for Distance Learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 3188, Workshop on Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems - CPITS II 2021. Kyiv, Ukraine. P. 98 - 107.
361. Лемешко О., Євдокименко М., Єременко О. Мережна безпека засобами маршрутизації: проблеми та рішення. Міжнародна конференція «Інформаційна безпека: проблеми та перспективи», 29 жовтня 2021 р., Баку, Азербайджан. С. 6-8.
362. Lemeshko O., Mersni A., Yeremenko O., Omowumi S.O., Volotka V., Al-Dulaimi A.M. K. Application Prospects of First Hop Redundancy Protocols for Fault-Tolerant SDN Controllers: A Survey. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S&T), Kharkiv, 2021, pp. 1-5.
363. Lemeshko O., Yevdokymenko M., Shapoval M. "Routing Model with Load Balancing on the Traffic Engineering Principles based on Information Security Risks," 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T), 2021, pp. 572-576, doi: 10.1109/PICST54195.2021.9772193.
364. Radivilova T., Dobrynin I., Lemeshko O., Ageyev D., Ilkov A. Analysis of Approaches of Monitoring, Intrusion Detection and Identification of Network Attacks, 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T), 2021, pp. 631-634, doi: 10.1109/PICST54195.2021.9772226.
365. Kuzminykh, I., Yevdokymenko, M., Yeremenko, O., Lemeshko, O. Increasing Teacher Competence in Cybersecurity using the EU Security Frameworks. I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2021, 6, p. 60-68. DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2021.06.06
366. Lemeshko O., Yeremenko O., Mersni A., Yevdokymenko M. Resilience Aware Traffic Engineering FHRP Solution (Invited Paper). 2021 IEEE International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics (UkrMiCo), Kyiv, Ukraine, November 29 – December 3, 2021. P. 88-92.
367. Lemeshko, O., Yevdokymenko, M., Yeremenko, O., Kunicina, N. and Ziravecka, A.. "Investigation of the Flow-Based Fast Reroute Model with Implementation of a Multimedia Quality Protection Scheme" Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, vol.58, no.6, 2021, pp.46-60. https://doi.org/10.2478/lpts-2021-0045.
368. Лемешко О.В., Єременко О.С., Євдокименко М.О. Відмовостійка багатоадресна маршрутизація в інфокомунікаційній мережі із захистом шляху та пропускної зда-тності // Проблеми телекомунікацій. – 2021. – 1(28). – С. 36-44. URL: https://pt.nure.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/211_lemeshko_multicastFRR.pdf.
369. Лемешко О.В., Єременко О.С., Євдокименко М.О., Коваленко Т.М. Методика розрахунку ймовірності компрометації конфіденційних повідомлень при безпечній маршрутизації в інфокомунікаційних мережах з використанням шляхів, які перетинаються // Проблеми телекомунікацій. 2021. 2(29). С. 15-27. URL: https://pt.nure.ua/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/212_lemeshko_confidential.pdf

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